
Posted on: July 4th 2024

LAE Embraces Global AI Discussion at WLSA Conference

Lsa wlsaWe are delighted to welcome back Eve Rahman, Deputy Headteacher, who has recently returned from a whirlwind trip to Shanghai, China where she attended the prestigious Global Educators Conference hosted by the World Leading Schools Association (WLSA).

This year's theme "Navigating the Future: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education" is particularly pertinent to LAE’s experience of being at the forefront of considering the potential impact of AI on Education.  Readers may recall our renowned Thought Leadership Panel Discussion back in November 2023, which brought together industry experts in the UK to explore this very topic. Our panel then, moderated by LAE Headteacher Alex Crossman, held an insightful discussion in front of an inspired audience highlighting the potential transformative power of AI for improved educational outcomes.

With this experience in mind, Eve was delighted to connect with educators from world leading schools across the globe to share thoughts on best practices and explore the rapidly evolving landscape of AI in education on a global scale.  

The conference’s agenda boasted a variety of engaging sessions, including thought-provoking keynote addresses by leading experts.   Eve was delighted to attend panel discussions and interactive workshops on the transformative power of AI with her global peers, addressing the potential challenges and ethical considerations, such as ensuring inclusivity and fostering human-centric values in education.

Eve comments:  “The conference was captivating, pushing our understanding and consideration of AI in education, but perhaps the most valuable aspect of the entire trip was the opportunity of networking with a global community of educators and leaders. ” 

Inspired by this international exchange of knowledge and experiences, Eve is eager to share her learnings with the school community. This, combined with the access to international scholarship opportunities for our students through the extensive WLSA network, will undoubtedly contribute to creating an even more engaging and effective learning environment. We are excited to explore the unique opportunities future WLSA events will continue to bring to our student body.