Apply to LAE
Throughout the application and enrolment process we receive a lot of similar questions from students. Is the information you are looking for listed below? If not, please contact us.
I haven't got my PREDICTED grades YET. Can I still apply?
Yes! We sort out the details of your grades directly with your school and will be accepting revised grades up until Friday, 14th February 2025. Be sure to apply by the 31st January 2025.
Who can supply my application reference?
Your referee should be a member of staff at your school who knows you well, usually your tutor or head of year.
Why can't I continue with and submit my application form?
Our entry requirements are applied at the course selection stage of our application form. This may limit the courses that you are able to choose, and consequently, whether or not you are able to complete the section and submit the form.
I made a mistake on my application form. What do I do?
If you made a mistake on your application form, please email us at with the details, and we will update your application for you.
Please do not submit another application.
I did not apply by the deadline can I still join LAE Stratford?
Due to the very large numbers of applications we receive each year, it is very unlikely that we will review late applications.
In line with our oversubscription criteria and admissions policy, late applications will only be considered after those received before the deadline.
There is the chance to attend on enrolment day to see if we have any places remaining, providing you meet the entry requirements. However, the likelihood of there being places is very small.
If I am invited to a guidance meeting is it compulsory that I attend?
No, it would be beneficial for you to attend the guidance meeting as we would be able to offer you advice on your subject choices and aspirations and answer any questions you may have. Attendance is not compulsory.
How do you decide who you will make provisional offers to?
We make all of our short-listing decisions in line with the process set out in our Admissions Policy.
As a minimum, to be considered for a provisional offer you must apply by the stated deadline, we must receive your reference by the reference deadline, and you must be predicted to meet our entry requirements.
Receiving and meeting the conditions a provisional offer is never a guarantee of a place.
Is there an advantage to completing my application earlier?
No. All applications must be started before 19 January 2024, and must be submitted by the application deadline, 26 January 2024. As per our admissions policy applications will be ranked following the application deadline.
I will be 18 on results day, will I be offered a place?
We accept out of range applicants who will be 17 on results day on a case-by-case basis. If you are already aged 18 by results day we will be unable to offer you a place due to our funding agreement as a free school.
Can you start off with 3 A Levels in Year 12?
All students start a 4 A Level programme of study in Year 12. LAE is a school that was set up to stretch and challenge some of the brightest students in the country! It also ensures that LAE’s students keep as many options as possible open to them in Year 13. About three quarters of students drop down to 3 x A-Levels in Year 13.
If you don't do well in your Year 12 exams, do you have to leave?
No! Students are never asked to leave on the basis of their performance in their end of Year 12 exams.
What support is available to students?
We provide our students with a whole range of academic, pastoral and financial support measures. You can see how we do this here.
What is the dress code at LAE Stratford?
Our dress code is designed to both personally embody and publicly reflect, the high expectations and professional ethos of the academy.
As a guide, when deciding how to dress, always aim to present yourself as you would for an interview at a top university or professional role in a company.
- Formal, collared shirt or blouse and/or a smart patterned or plain jumper.
- Formal blazer.
- Formal dress / skirt / trousers.
- Smart shoes that are safe for movement around the school.
- Tights may be worn that are plain and single-coloured.
- Make up and jewellery consistent with a professional image may be worn.
- LAE Sports kit for sports activities.
- Clothing can be patterned or plain but should not have words or logos on.
- There will be occasions when more formal dress code is expected (such as Review of the Year) and students will be given notice about this.
- We will provide an LAE tie for students that choose to wear one, or smart ties of your own choice may be worn, or no tie at all.
- Usually, a student’s face should be always visible but during the covid-19 pandemic students may be required to wear a face covering.
The following items would not be permitted (this is not an exhaustive list):
- T-shirts, Hoodies, Leggings, Jeans, high heels, Trainers
- Outdoor wear
- Clothing that features large logos, slogans, images or badges
What are the school hours?
LAE’s school day starts at 8.20am. Lessons and a wide variety of different curricular and co-curricular activities continue until at least 4.00pm each day. The Library is open from 07:30 until 6.00pm
How long are the lessons?
Each period lasts for 50 minutes.
Is there a place for prayer onsite?
LAE will continue to operate in a converted office building until September 2025. The building has significant space constraints, but we have allocated a bookable space for lunchtime prayers / reflection. The school timetable has also been constructed to allow Muslim students to attend Jum’ah prayers at a local venue on Fridays.
I don't have a passport to provide as proof of ID on GCSE Results Day?
If you were born in the UK we can accept a Passport or Birth Certificate. If you were not born in the UK, then a current Passport or a BRP (Biometric Resident Card) is required.
I do not hold a provisional offer, am I able to contact you on results day?
You can email us on results day with a copy of your results and a scan/image of your passport to show your interest in LAE. If we have spaces left and you meet our entry requirements there is a chance you may be invited to enrol.
If I meet, or exceed, the conditions of my provisional offer am I guaranteed a place at LAE?
Unfortunately not, due to the number of applications we receive, holding a provisional offer does not guarantee you a place at LAE.
Once you have submitted the required information on results day, successful provisional offer holders will be invited to enrol and must attend in person on enrolment day to complete their enrolment at LAE. Please note that no place at LAE is guaranteed until you have completed your enrolment.
I will be abroad on enrolment day. Can I still enrol?
Unfortunately all enrolments must take place in person with the student at LAE Stratford. This is because we must verify the student's identity and they must speak to a senior teacher to confirm their programme of study.
Am I able to change my subject choices at or after enrolment?
Edit with changes to offer-making process 2025: (March 2025)
The subjects we offer you in your provisional offer letter are assumed to be the subjects you pursue at A-level should you be successful in enrolling with us. It will be highly unlikely that you can change your subject choices upon enrolment but we will be assessing this on a case-by-case basis.
Do you allow Year 13 transfers?
As outlined in our admissions policy only in exceptional circumstances is there entry into Year 13 at LAE by students enrolled at other providers. Applications to join Year 13 are considered by the Headteacher or Deputy Head (academic) on a case-by-case basis following an interview and the uptake of references from the applicant’s current school or college. A decision will consider: space on courses, exam boards currently studied and prior attainment. Year 13 applicants should contact LAE directly via
Will LAE Stratford allow external candidates to sit / resit exams?
No, we are not able to accommodate external candidates in sitting / resitting exams.