About LAE
Schools Outreach
With more than 100 feeder secondary school from across 16 different London boroughs and Essex, the LAE community has grown significantly since opening in 2012.
The number of applications LAE receives means that we can no longer justify attending careers fairs and other events for single schools. LAE runs tailored student recruitment days for East London schools with significant numbers of students who are disadvantaged. If you would like to apply to be part of that programme, please contact us on admissions@lae.ac.uk
Student outreach & volunteering
Could your students benefit from working with former students now at LAE? One-to-one mentoring? Supporting the More Able with higher level mathematics? Raising aspirations? If so, we already have a large number of students visiting their former schools on a Friday afternoon as part of our Outreach programme. If you're interested in joining, or to discuss this further, please contact the Manager of Careers, Opportunities and Alumni by sending an email to office@lae.ac.uk
Alumni links
Are you still in touch with your former students now studying at university or pursuing their career ambitions? Would you like former students from LAE to visit your school and inspire the next generation? We understand the importance of raising aspirations and have set up an LAE Alumni Network that we would like our feeder schools to also benefit from. For more information, please contact the Manager of Careers, Opportunities and Alumni by sending an email to office@lae.ac.uk