LAE Students attend special Hamilton performance
42 LAE students were fortunate enough to be invited to attend a special performance of Lin-Manuel Miranda's musical Hamilton at The Victoria Palace Theatre. With rapping 18th-century statesmen, a feel-good hip-hop score and a cast predominantly comprising actors of colour, Hamilton was seen as revolutionary when it first reached the stage in 2015.
As Andrzej Lukowski wrote in London's Time Out, Hamilton "...is celebratory of multiculturalism and immigration, things our city knows very well. Plus it is of tremendous significance that a group of relatively unknown BAME actors are in a period show that is, by a really very long way, the best and cleverest thing on the London stage."
Students were invited to join a post-performance Q&A with the cast and crew and experienced a short demonstration of how this amazing musical is brought to life by the technical team behind the scenes.