Visit to Van Gogh as Year 12 Electives Launched
This week, a group of Year 12 students visited the exhibition Van Gogh: Poets and Lovers at the National Gallery. Students enjoyed this innovative exhibition which showcases Van Gogh's paintings and drawings, paired with immersive installations featuring his works.
For students who have chosen the module Representing History in Museums and Galleries, this trip kicked off their elective this term. These students are studying a range of A-level subjects, but over the next six weeks will follow a separate course specially designed by teachers to discover how museums preserve, present and connect us to the past, present and future.
Representing History in Museums and Galleries is just one of 12 elective modules open to year 12 students this term. Each student will follow two modules before the Easter break, a major and a minor, with the former being a way to dive deeper into a subject close to their A-level studies, such as Life Writing for humanities students or Climate Science for scientists, and the latter a chance to explore something that sparks students' interest, encouraging a love of learning for its own sake. Students will collaborate in small groups that foster discussion and teamwork, and the critical thinking skills the develop in both elective courses will contribute to their academic success now and in the future.
These electives form part of the well-rounded academic experience that extends beyond A-level studies. LAE's academic enrichment curriculum provides students with opportunities to broaden their intellectual horizons, enhance their academic skills, and engage with topics in greater depth.