About LAE

Mohamed Moallim

ALUMNI (2012-2014)

STEM: Software Engineer, Balyasny Asset Management

A member of LAE's inaugural cohort (2012-2014), Mohammed is a successful Software Engineer at Balyasny Asset Management. He continues to credit LAE for igniting his passion for learning and nurturing his inquisitive mind.

Fond memories include teachers who encouraged him to ask questions,  taught him to learn from mistakes, and who brought his A' level subjects to life. These formative experiences instilled in Mohammed the confidence to be himself, to think critically, and to ask questions - all invaluable skills for his career path. 

Mohammed's path on leaving LAE began with a Mathematics degree and physics-focused internships, highlighting the importance he places on hard work and a curious mind – qualities fostered at LAE. Success, for him, is about happiness, self-reliance, and achieving personal goals.  His interest in potentially pursuing a PhD in Mathematics or Physics exemplifies the lasting impact of LAE and his enduring love of learning.