About LAE

Precious Adewale

ALUMNI (2016-2018)

STEM: Aerodynamics Engineer, MBDA UK

Precious credits her time at LAE for igniting a lifelong love of learning that transcends the classroom. She thrived in a diverse curriculum, excelling in Physics, Maths, and French A' levels while also actively pursuing artistic and athletic passions like netball. At LAE, Precious discovered a learning environment that went beyond the pursuit of grades, one that fostered her holistic development, and encouraged her to delve into her unique interests and explore her full potential.

LAE's emphasis on personal development left an indelible mark on Precious. Her sixth form experience instilled a growth mindset, a constant drive for self-improvement that's evident in her belief in the value of leadership and going the extra mile. This philosophy translates directly into her successful career as an engineer. Beyond her core responsibilities, she has co-chaired her company's Ethnic Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) organisation, and lead numerous ED&I projects and initiatives.

Precious' journey exemplifies the transformative power of LAE. Her message to embrace opportunities, cultivate a growth mindset, and develop leadership skills should resonate not only with LAE students but with anyone seeking to reach their full potential.