About LAE

Yasmine Deflaoui

ALUMNI (2017-2019)

HEALTHCARE: Assistant Psychologist

Yasmine is well on her way to achieving her dream of becoming a Clinical Psychologist. Crediting LAE's well-rounded education with providing the foundation for her success, she is clear that the school's emphasis on academics, coupled with diverse extracurricular activities and a focus on both discipline and independence, equipped her with the skills and confidence to excel at Cambridge University and beyond. 

During her time at LAE, Yasmine thrived in a supportive environment that fostered a love of learning. She balanced academic rigour in subjects like Biology, Psychology, and French with participation in sports like tennis and running, as well as intellectually stimulating activities such as the Debating Club and Model UN. Notably, a school trip to Eton for Oxbridge interview preparation stands out as a defining moment, encouraging Yasmine to believe in her potential and aim for top universities. 

Following LAE, Yasmine's academic journey included a degree in Psychological and Behavioural Sciences at Cambridge and an MSc in Clinical Mental Health Sciences at UCL. Currently, she holds an Assistant Psychologist post in eating disorders while pursuing a doctorate in Clinical Psychology. Yasmine highlights the importance of self-belief and perseverance in achieving her goals, while also acknowledging the guidance of inspiring mentors. Looking ahead, Yasmine sees herself as a lead clinician within the mental health sector within five years, and continuing to make a positive impact on the lives of others.