About LAE

Klaudia Lysakowska

ALUMNI (2017-2019)

STEM: Mechanical Engineering, UCL

Klaudia's academic journey began with a strong foundation in STEM subjects at LAE. She focused on Chemistry, Physics, Maths, and Further Maths, demonstrating her passion for science and a commitment to academic rigour.  Klaudia acknowledges the impact of LAE's demanding environment in preparing her for higher education. 

Recognising the importance of self-reflection and having the courage to adjust course when necessary, Klaudia decided that her initial degree in Chemical Physics at The University of Edinburgh was not right for her and subsequently enrolled at University College London to read Mechanical Engineering. 

Klaudia's dedication and strategic approach to networking have culminated in her dream job at CERN. She emphasises the importance of taking advantage of every opportunity, both academic and professional. Her success story serves as an inspiration to current LAE students, demonstrating that a strong academic foundation coupled with a proactive approach to professional development can open doors to incredible opportunities. 

Klaudia's journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, self-discovery, and a commitment to excellence. LAE congratulates Klaudia on her upcoming role at CERN and looks forward to witnessing her future accomplishments.