LAE safeguarding judged ‘exceptional’
LAE is an exceptional school providing “life changing” opportunities, according to a review of safeguarding culture and practice conducted by Newham Council’s Safeguarding in Education Service.
The school commissioned the review as part of its ongoing commitment to continuous improvement. The review team, made up of former Newham headteachers and other educational leaders, visited LAE over two days at the end of November. They conducted a rigorous review of all aspects of school life, visiting lessons, assemblies and other activities and carrying out structured interviews with dozens of students and school staff.
The reviewer judged all areas of safeguarding to be highly effective and described relational safeguarding, a measure of the quality of relationships between all members of the school community, staff, students and governors, as being “exceptional”.
Their report concluded:
“LAE is an exceptional place where all members of the school community are kept safe, very well supported personally, academically and professionally to achieve great success and to thrive within the LAE ‘family’ ethos.”
Headteacher Alex Crossman said: “Safeguarding is our first, most important responsibility. The work conducted by Newham confirms that we discharge that responsibility as well as any school in the country. Our students are kept safe and feel safe.”