LAE student wins WCIB 2022 Schools Essay Competition
We are delighted that LAE student Emmanuella Aglagoh has been announced the overall winner in the London-wide Schools Essay Competition from the Worshipful Company of International Bankers. WCIB is a prestigious professional association established by Royal Charter in part to promote the development and advancement of the science, art and practice of the international banking and financial services industry for the benefit of the public.
Students were challenged to write an essay to "Discuss how financial literacy among 16 to 24 year olds can be dramatically improved." and we would like to extend our congratulations to all students from all schools across London who took part.
Jason Van Praagh, Founding Partner Northcross Capital LLP / Master International Banker comments: "Congratulations to Emmanuella Aglagoh, the overall winner. Great job! It was a tough competition and all the entries were really high quality, so further congratulations go out to each and every school winner!"