LAE recognised as 'Outstanding' sixth form provider
We are delighted to announce that following its recent OfSTED inspection, London Academy of Excellence (Stratford) has now been designated as an ‘Outstanding’ sixth form provider. Over the course of the four day inspection visit in October 2017, the team of inspectors spent time observing lessons and meeting with staff and students.
The final report grades LAE’s provision as ‘Outstanding’ in every category and overall. The Head Master, Scott Baker, commenting upon the outcome of the inspection, said:
“I am absolutely delighted by the outcome of the recent inspection and would like to congratulate the whole LAE community on a terrific achievement. The ‘Outstanding’ badge is a wonderful vindication of the hard work of students and staff. Five years on from its establishment as the first free school sixth form academy, LAE remains firmly in the vanguard of raising standards and promoting educational excellence in the capital.
Last summer LAE achieved record results with 60% of all A-Levels grades A*/A, 88% A*/B and a value added score that places it in the top 1% of sixth forms in the country for the third year running. This autumn, more than 180 LAE students took up places at Russell Group universities, 15 won places at Oxford and Cambridge, and 25 embarked on highly competitive medicine, veterinary medicine and dentistry courses.
Whilst as recent news stories demonstrate, significant barriers to higher education and social mobility remain in the UK, LAE continues to be instrumental in showing that with hard work, the aspiration to succeed and the right support and guidance, there really are no limits on what young people can achieve, irrespective of their gender, ethnicity or background.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank LAE's Governors, partner schools and sponsors, including HSBC, for everything that they continue to do to support the work of the academy."