
Posted on: September 20th 2024

LAE Headteacher Alex Crossman Quoted in The Guardian on Public Speaking in Schools

Today, LAE Stratford's headteacher, Alex Crossman, was featured in a Guardian article discussing comments made by Jonathan Noakes, Director of Teaching and Learning at Eton College. Noakes suggested that state schools should provide more opportunities for students to develop public speaking skills.

In the article, alongside author Saima Mir, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer, and barrister James Oliveira-Agnew, Alex emphasized the importance of addressing imposter syndrome among students from lower-income backgrounds. He highlighted the need for students to feel just as confident and capable as their peers in order to take part in debate and discussion on important topics.

At LAE, developing these skills through delivering a dedicated oracy programme is a key priority, with discussion encouraged in every classroom. Building confidence in this area is an essential tool for success in many of our students' future careers.

You can read the full article here.